Foot Stability
Single-leg isometric calf raise
Isometric exercises are helpful for reducing pain and improving Achilles/calf strength in the early stages of rehabilitation and in-season training. These are most beneficial when performed with heavy sustained load.
Go into a heel raise on one leg (10-20 degrees of plantarflexion is sufficient fo runners). Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell on the same side as the stance leg. Hold for 45-60 seconds. Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets. Perform 3 sets.
High loads provide the best results but not too high to cause excess muscle fatigue (i.e. if the leg is shaky throughout the exercise and you can't complete the set then the load is probably too high). Increase weight as tolerated up to 70% of 1-rep max.
May be performed up to 3 times per day x 2-3 days per week.
Isometric soleus raise
Place a Swiss ball between the wall and your shin. Raise your heel of the forward leg to ~10 degrees of plantarflexion. Hold for 45-60 seconds. Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets. Perform 2-3 sets.
Split stance heel raise
with kettlebell
Split stance heel raise
with row
Seated Heel Raise
Sit on a bench or chair. Place a small rolled towel under your big toe to allow added stretch to the medial band of the plantar fascia. Place a 35-45 lbs. weight plate on your thigh. Raise your heel up and slowly lower down over 2-3 seconds. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side. Add progressively increasing amounts of weight over time until reaching 75-80% of your 1 rep max.
Single Leg Bridge With
Heel Raise
Rise up into a single leg bridge with your forefoot on a yoga block or a bumper plate. Lift your heel off the ground, placing your weight into the forefoot, then slowly lower your heel back down. This is one rep. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.
Split Squat with
Heel Raise
Lower into a single leg squat with your back leg resting on a chair or bench. Lift your heel off the ground, placing your weight into the forefoot, then slowly lower your heel back down. Stay in a single leg squat position while you complete the reps. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.
Heel raise/drop
(motor control)
Motor control exercises promote tendon adaptations and allow you to obtain quicker strength gains when compared to slow eccentric movements.
Start with your heels level with the staircase. Raise and lower at random increments of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% up/down for 1-2 minutes.
Movements should be slow, coordinated, and controlled. You can use a metronome app on your phone set to 50-60 bpm for external cueing. Focus on quality of movement rather than number of repetitions.
*If you have pain at the insertion of the Achilles tendon, then perform this exercise from the ground level instead of a staircase to avoid excessive stretching and irritation of the tendon, bone, and bursa.
Eccentric heel drop
(mid-portion Achilles)
Eccentric heel drop (insertional Achilles)
Eccentric heel drop
with bent knee
Eccentric heel drop
with bent knee (insertional)
Power + Steering
Strengthening the gastrocnemius-soleus complex is what gives you the power to push on the gas pedal. Proprioception exercises of the foot are what allow you to steer with good control. You’ll need both in order to run with reduced stress and increased economy.
Overhead Press
Stand on one leg with a 5-10 lbs weight in the opposite hand. Keep your big toe grounded. Press the weight overhead and bring it back down. Keep your weight centered over the midfoot to avoid leaning back through your heel. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.
Kettlebell Pass Around
Grab a 5-15 lbs weight and stand on one leg while keeping your big toe grounded. Pass the weight back and forth from one hand to another while aiming to keep your toe on the ground. The faster you go the harder this gets. Perform 1-2 min on each foot.
Long Bar Pass
Grab a 15 or 20 kg Olympic bar and stand on one leg while keeping your big toe grounded. Pass the weight back and forth from one hand to another while aiming to keep your toe on the ground. The faster you go the harder this gets. Perform 1-2 min on each foot.
Banded Twist
Attach a resistance tube around something sturdy. The stance leg will be on the outside. Grab the exercise band in both hands and press it in front of you with arms straight. Press your big toe down as you twist toward and away from band attachment point. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps on each foot.
Tippy Twist
Place your hands on your hips and balance on one leg while keeping your big toe grounded. Maintain a neutral spine, keep your hips level as you bend forward, and extend the non-supported leg behind you. Twist your hips in toward the floor, then out and up toward the ceiling. Keep your weight balanced across the middle of your foot as you twist from the hip. Return to level hips and hinge from the pelvis to come back up to standing position. This is one rep. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps on each side.
*It’s better to twist the hip through a smaller range with good control than to try to twist too far and fall each time.*
Standing fire hydrant
Stand on one leg (include MOBO board if available) and bend the opposite knee and push against the wall with about 5-10 lbs of pressure towards the wall. Maintain an upright posture with a neutral spine position. Place your hands on your hips and maintain a level pelvis. With the free leg, engage the glutes and swing out and back in.