Hip Steering


Standing Hip Circles


Place your hands on your hips. Raise one hip so that your thigh is parallel to the floor and knee is flexed to 90 degrees. Rotate the hip to the side. Keep your pelvis level and knee at the same height and twist your foot behind you. Push your leg straight back. Bring your hip back to center then to the floor. Keep each movement slow and precise.


Glute Rainbows


Start on your hands and knees. Keep a neutral spine and lift your leg behind you such that your thigh is aligned with your trunk and knee is bent to 90 degrees with the bottom of your foot pointed towards the ceiling. Keep your thigh in position and pelvis level while twisting your hip in and out. Avoid arching your back and keep the movement isolated to the hip joint.




Lay on your back and place your leg in the suspension trainer (behind the knee for beginners, move lower dow towards the ankle for more advanced version). Raise your hips to come into a bridge position with your arms extended above your chest and palms together. Bring the free leg into 90 degrees of hip flexion and 90 degrees of knee flexion. Keep the sling leg stable and rotate your pelvis to bring your free leg over and under as if you were on a bbq spit. Shoulder blades may come slightly off the ground. Keep a neutral spine with your arms extended above you. All of the inward and outward twisting motion should come from the hips.


Butt Scoots