Knee Strength
This can be performed from a 4-6 inch step or using a MOBO board with the fins in the back slots (2 and 3). The focus is on the stance leg. Start by standing upright with your hands place on your hips. Shift your weight to the stance leg. If performing on a staircase, make sure your weight is fully supported and toes are not extending past the edge of the step. Reach out with the unsupported leg while keeping your hips level. Slowly bend the knee (2-3 seconds) of the stance leg while stepping down with the unsupported leg touching the floor gently with the heel. Slowly straighten the stance leg (2-3 seconds) and return to the starting position.
Tips: We are purposefully allowing the knee cap to go past the toes as you step down with the goal of building tolerance to loading the quadriceps and patella tendon. Pain should be 0/10 on VAS scale when performing this movement.
Loaded lunge
Go into a split squat position. Place your hands on your hips and maintain and upright vertical posture. Lunge forward such that your knee cap goes past your toes and return to the start position. This is a specific and purposeful movement of allowing the knee cap to go past the toes as you lunge forward. The goal is to build tolerance to loading the quadriceps and patella tendon. Pain should be 0/10 on VAS scale when performing this movement.
Split Lunge
Bulgarian split squat
Split squat w/balance board
Step onto the MOBO board with the slats on 2 and 4. Rest the top of one foot behind you on a bench in a split stance. Drop down into a single-leg squat. Keep a slight forward trunk lean without tilting the pelvis as you slowly lower down. Ensure that your knee does not cross the plane at the front of your toes. Keep your big toe grounded and drive up from the glute to return to the start position. Try to keep the MOBO board as stable as possible throughout the exercise. You can also use an app like “Bubble level” on your phone and place it on the MOBO board for proprioceptive feedback. Perform 3 x 8 reps on each side.
Split squat
with rip trainer (knee load)
Goal: Combine rotational core stability, knee loading, and foot stability for controlled steering and propulsion
Step onto the MOBO board with the slats on 2 and 4. Anchor a rip trainer directly behind you. Rest the top of one foot behind you on a bench in a split stance. Hold the rip trainer with the free end on the same side as the MOBO board using an alternating hand grip (palm down on the free end / palm up on the bungee end). Drop down into a single-leg squat while simultaneously bringing the rip trainer across your body. Maintain a more vertical upright posture to emphasize quadriceps loading. Ensure that your knee does not cross the plane at the front of your toes. Keep your big toe grounded and drive up from the glute to return to the start position. Try to keep the MOBO board as stable as possible throughout the exercise. You can also use an app like “Bubble level” on your phone and place it on the MOBO board for proprioceptive feedback.
*If you don’t have a rip trainer available, then you can anchor a resistance tube to a secure point to the side opposite your stance leg to create a counter-rotation force. Grasp the handle in both hands and hold it in front of your chest with the tube taught and parallel to the ground. While lowering into a single-leg squat, engage your core and press the handle out with both hands extended in front of your chest. Hold for 1 second while resisting the pull of the tube and not letting your torso rotate towards anchor point. Drive up to return to the starting position while bringing the handle back to your chest.